Ann's Attic

Hey Everyone, welcome back – it’s Friday here at Quilt’s by Jen but I’m going to talk about one of my road trips this week rather the usual Friday theme.

The first couple of days this week I headed down the road and travelled to the Haldimand Quilters’ Guild in Hagersville, Ontario to present my trunk show about colour.

A great bunch of ladies who definitely have a lot of fun with their quilting. Thank you for letting me share my quilt journey with you. And also thanks for all the inspiration you provide me with your wonderful show and tell pieces – my favourite part of going to speak at a guild is the show and tell portion.

That night I stayed in a small place called Caistor Corners where if you were to blink you would miss it. I’m pretty sure I didn’t even see a sign with that name on it. I stayed with Ann who owns Ann’s Attic.

Ann’s Attic is a little quilt shop (photo at top of page) on her property where she has all kinds of fabrics, notions and a great little classroom. This is a where a lot of quilting gets done along with a lot of socializing.

Shelves of fabric and quilts

As you come in the door at Ann’s Attic

I spent the day at Ann’s Attic teaching the Twisted Log Cabin class. There were 5 in the class  wrapping their heads around the paper piecing technique to make the centre log cabin.

Quilter's busy sewing at their machines

Everyone hard at work

After the occasional bit of ripping and resewing everyone got the hang of the paper piecing and into the groove.

Everyone went home with at least one section completed while one went home with all six done – she was very focused.

The class participants holding a finished section of the log cabin

Students with a finished log cabin section

It was a wonderful day at Ann’s Attic with some new friends.

old barn with a huge quilt on the front of it

Barn quilt at Ann’s Attic

I’m back on the road again and will report in about my travels later this weekend.

Happy Quilting

