by Jen | Free Motion Friday, Stitch Along Sundays, Technique Tuesday
Hey there, welcome back. Today I’m going to talk about the third quilting technique to be used on the squiggly fabric pieces. The other day I talked about quilting technique number 2 – it was all about stitch in the ditch. Today is going to be about echo...
by Jen | Stitch Along Sundays, Technique of the Month, Technique Tuesday
Hey there, welcome back. The to do list became kind of massive this month and I didn’t get back to my quilt challenge until yesterday when I managed to finish up the challenge with the squiggle fabric pieces. I did start the quilting process back at the...
by Jen | Stitch Along Sundays, Technique Tuesday, UFO Spotlight
Hey everyone, welcome back. Wow, where does the time go? It has been almost two weeks since I posted my last blog post about the July/August quilt challenge and now it is September. In the last post I set aside the stitched blog I originally made with the black...
by Jen | Stitch Along Sundays, Technique Tuesday
Hey there, welcome back to the Quilt Challenge that Ruth from Arbee Designs and I are having fun with this month. It is almost the last day of July so next week we will have to call it the August Quilt Challenge. If you missed my last post you can find it here, July...
by Jen | Coffee Talk Saturday, Story Time Monday, Technique Tuesday
Hey Everyone, welcome back to Quilts by Jen. A few months ago I was approached by Cynthia and Shannon who own Country Concessions Quilt Shop in Cookstown, Ontario to design their row for this year’s Row by Row Experience. This year’s theme is home sweet...
by Jen | Technique Tuesday
Hey Everyone, welcome back to Technique Tuesday. Today is Tuesday, where do the days disappear to because it was just Friday and now it is Tuesday and Tuesday means a new technique. This technique may or may not be new to you but it is certainly one that is a lot of...