Scrabble letters making up words

Hey Everyone, welcome back to Coffee Talk Saturday.

The New Year has started and the old year is done and dusted.

Did you meet your goals and follow through on your resolutions for 2013? I have to say I did meet my goal of completing the 365 day blog challenge – it was a huge goal and a great accomplishment.

What now? Do I have resolutions or goals for 2014? Do you?

Do I have any resolutions for 2014?


I haven’t made any resolutions – I never do as I don’t seem to carry through with them. They always seem to get lost and forgotten along the way.

Goals – well they are easier for me to meet and if there is a challenge along with it then I am much better at staying focused and meeting the goal. As you see I do not like to fail.

Do I have a goal for 2014?


Yes, my goal is to blog every other day so that I can still bring you a post from each category at least once every two weeks. There may even be some bonus posts thrown in every once in a while especially if I am really excited about something and want to share it with all of you.

I would also like to learn a new technique once a month whether it be at a workshop, by reading or taking an on-line class.

Do I have a word for 2014?


What is this word thing you ask? Well, I will link you to my friend and fellow blogger Jenny from the blog challenge I participated in the past year as she sums up the word thing really well in a post she did the other day called What’s your word going to be? Check it out as it is a very good read.

Yes, my word is completion.


I want to actually complete a few things this year and not just start a lot of things like I did in 2013. So I guess I will have to finish up all of those things started in 2013. A few things is a good place to start and hopefully as the year moves along so will the amount of things. What are things? Things are UFO’s, pattern writing, class writing and so on.

I once read a book called Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity by David Allen. It is a book about productivity and how to improve it. A very interesting and fast read. He has a great philosophy about lists. I’ll let you read the book and find out what he thinks as I don’t want to spoil it for you.

What are your goals? What is your word?

Happy Quilting!

Jen Transparent Signature
