Painted Sunset

Hey Everyone, welcome back to UFO Round Up.

I am a bit late at getting my count out for last month but that is because I spent the weekend taking some classes from Carol Taylor. What a fantastic weekend we had playing with fabric, yarns and threads. More to come on this in another post.

Well, April wasn’t as productive for finishing UFO’s as March was because I actually made a few new pieces and finished them for the Creativfestival show which took place the last weekend in April and was a huge success for us. Thanks to all who dropped by the booth and sat in on one of my presentations.

What did I complete?

Oh boy, I just went and looked at my spreadsheet to see what I did complete last month and I came up rather short. I only completed one, yes count it, one UFO from the list. It is called Painted Sunset.

Painted Sunset

The full image of this piece is at the top of the page.

This was a piece I started many years ago in Yellowknife on Easter weekend when we had an instructor come up from Edmonton to teach a class on painting on fabric. I’m afraid I cannot remember her name. I painted the little sunset scene in the class and then took it to Quilt Canada with me where I added the curved border pieces that continue on the scene in fabric.

Close up of Painted sunset

Close up of painted insert

Finally just this past Easter I sandwiched the quilt and added some very simple quilting lines to enhance the continuation of the sunset into the border. I was very lucky to find just a large enough piece of fabric for the binding that matched the piece surrounding the insert of the sunset.

Be Mine

The other piece that I did from to start to finish was a quilt I designed for Northcott from their Stonehenge Sweethearts 2 fabric collection. It is called Be Mine and is available for purchase in my store.

pink and white quilt with a heart centre

Be Mine wall hanging

Jungle Maze

Another piece was started from scratch called Jungle Maze but I still need to hand stitch down the binding on it. This is another quilt I designed for Northcott with their Safari fabric collection. This pattern is also available for purchase in my store. Watch for a future post when I return from vacation about this quilt.

children's quilt with jungle fabric

Jungle Maze baby/child’s quilt

Even though I didn’t get many completed from the UFO list, the month was a huge success in many other ways. More about these pieces when I return from vacation.

How did you do with your list?

Happy Quilting!

Jen Transparent Signature