Stitch Along Sunday - May 2015 Week 3

Hey Everyone, welcome back to Stitch Along Sunday.

Wow, the weeks just fly by don’t they? Here we are and it is Sunday again.

This week the rules say to add borders to our piece. But the borders cannot be the same all the way around. Hmmmmm, that makes it interesting. Last week I added all the appliqué.

For the complete rules check out Ruth’s blog – Week 3 Rules. And don’t forget to check out the gallery while you are there.

What to do? What to do? What to do?

I did know that I didn’t want to introduce any more fabrics into the mix since I already had several in this piece. But what kind of border should I make?

This requires my thinking cap and a cup of coffee.

After a cup of coffee and the use of my thinking cap I have come up with a plan and design for the border. I actually had to sleep on it and when I am sleeping is when come up with some of my best ideas.

To begin I added a cream border on 3 sides. As it stands right now the cream border will finish at a ½″.

Cream border added to three sides of the multicoloured piece

Cream border added

I had the idea of putting triangles in the bright colours around the edge of the cream border with the blue on the outside. I placed the pieces on the top.

Multi-coloured triangles added to the top of the piece on blue background

Triangles at the top

Then I pinked the edges of the triangles to see how that would look – this way I could just leave them loose and not have to stitch them down or worry about them fraying. Kind of reminds me of the top of a spiral notebook.

More triangles on top with pinked edges

More triangles

I really wasn’t thrilled with either of these ideas – so maybe the ideas thought in ones sleep aren’t always the best. I’ll keep the idea stored away for another project.

I went ahead and added the blue border leaving it wide enough on all three sides that it could be trimmed down in size if need be. The cream border ended up being a ¼″ finished. An executive decision as I was putting on the outer border.

Blue border added in varying widths

Blue border

The blue was very blue so I randomly placed the triangles and little rectangles of the bright fabric on the blue fabric to give it a bit of life.

Multi-coloured triangles and rectangles placed on blue background

Randomly placed bits

I’m really liking this and to me it has a bit of South American feel with the bright colours and different shapes. Funny that I should think that as a year ago I was in Ecuador. What a colourful country it is.

The next order of business is to figure how I am going to attach these little pieces to the border. My options are fusible web which means I need to fuse some to other fabric and recut the pieces or I could sew them on with a button or bead in the middle after the piece has been sandwiched and quilted.

So for now I will wait and see what the rules are for next week before I secure these little pieces to the border.

Happy Quilting!

Jen Transparent Signature