Circles on a blue background

Hey Everyone, welcome back to Stitch Along Sunday and Free Motion Friday.

Now that I am home and have lots of time to spend in my studio I am trying to play catch up with the June Stitch Along Sunday piece. I really like this piece and the way it is shaping up so I didn’t want it to end up in the drawer as another UFO.

Speaking of UFO’s how are your’s coming along – mine, not so good. My plan of 4 a month at the beginning of the year hasn’t worked out so well the past couple of months but maybe I’ll get back on track this month. I certainly am not going to worry about catching up.

The week 3 rules for the June Stitch Along are to add in some quilting. The quilting had to be of the shape you started with the first week and I used squares. To refresh your memory on the first two weeks you can go back and see what I did, June Week 1 and June Week 2. The other stipulation for the stitching was that it had to be in either red, black, blue or purple.

I chose red as I figured it would look the best with the fabrics I used in the circles and squares. I didn’t choose a fancy thread just a 40 wt cotton and used it in both the top and bobbin.

I decided that I wanted to overlap my squares and so I used my three small square rulers to trace around with a Chaco Liner  so that I had lines to follow on the background. If I hadn’t had lines to follow I am not sure how square my squares would have been.

A variety of square rulers

The square rulers I used

I also decided that instead of using the walking foot I would practice stitching straight lines with the free motion foot – a couple had a bit of a curve in them but otherwise I think I did pretty good. Concentration is the key to following a straight line with the free motion foot.

Background quilting of squares in red thread

The piece quilted

Here is a close up of the stitching. I am very pleased with how the red stitching has turned out and how it looks with the other fabrics.

Close up of red quilting lines

Close up of quilting

Now onto week 4 – adding some embellishments. This I am going to have to think about as I am not quite sure what I will do yet.

To see what others did for their June stitch along check out the Gallery on Ruth’s blog. I’ll be back in a few days with the next installment of the June Stitch Along Sunday piece.

Happy Quilting!

Jen Transparent Signature