triangles on pieced background

Hey Everyone, welcome back to Stitch Along Sunday.

It has been a busy week trying to get things back in order since being sick. Slowly my routine is coming back and I am getting the hang of things again. The worse was I had to go grocery shopping since the cupboards and fridge were very empty. All is stocked again and now I can spend my time in the studio rather than the grocery store.

Although I did have a great experience at Costco. When I walked in there was a crowd of people near the entrance and I wondered what they were up to then I saw the TV. The overtime period of the ladies Olympic hockey game was on. I am a huge hockey fan as I grew up watching Hockey Night in Canada every Saturday and went to many a game at our local rink. I joined the crowd and cheered on our girls as they scored the winning goal for gold.

When I woke up Thursday morning I would have never dreamed that I would be watching the ladies win gold on a TV in Costco and most likely I will never forget the experience either.

Okay I digressed there a bit but it was a highlight of my week. Now back to the task at hand – adding appliqué to my background. February week 2 was to create the background for the mini art quilt using the fabrics I picked the first week of the challenge. 

With the background complete week three’s rules were to add appliqué in a simple shape.

I was going to add circles, then I was going to add arrows and finally settled for some triangles that I chopped off the end of the arrows I had made. I played around a bit with the placement of the triangles until I was happy and fused them down.

light coloured triangles on background

Triangles placed and fused down

After I sandwiched the 3 layers I used a free motion satin stitch to secure the edges of the triangles. I used a grey/silver rayon thread from Sulky for the stitching.

Satin stitch used to secure triangles

Triangles stitched with satin stitch

Now I am still wondering about a couple of arrows. What do you think?

Auditioning of arrows

Arrows on audition

See you soon for the last installment of this month’s challenge. To see what the others are up to check out the Gallery for February on Ruth’s blog.

Happy Quilting!

Jen Transparent Signature