The word cake on a piece of paper

Hey Everyone, welcome back to Stitch Along Sunday.

As I read Ruth’s post the other day I realised that I missed one of the instructions for week 1. I forgot to pick a word that I associate with birthday. My word is cake.

This week’s rules can be found on Ruth’s blog – August Week 2 Rules. Using the word we picked last week we are to create paper letters no larger than 3 inches high and approximately 6 inches long.

First of all I found a font that I liked and printed off the word in upper case letters. The font needed to be easy to cut out as well as look good and have some style. I used a pink colour for the lettering seeing how I have so many colours in my feature fabric. If you missed the fabrics and bits I picked for this piece they can be seen in my blog post Stitch Along Sunday – August Week 1.

The word cake in pink on white paper

Pink letters on white paper

That was about as far as I got with the post yesterday and then waited until this morning to finish it up. As I was looking at the word cake I had printed on a regular piece of paper I thought how boring is this. I then thought why not use something slightly more creative and pulled a piece of junk mail out of the recycle box to use.

The envelope I chose has a image of the world and small sparkly stars in the background with a gradation of blues. Much better than just plain white paper and pink letters. Sometimes one has to sleep on ideas.

Recycled envelope for letters

The envelope

I decided to only use this section of the envelope to trace on as I didn’t want any of the white image or writing.

The world and outer space in lovely blues

Area of envelope to be used

I opened up the envelope and traced the letters onto the back side of the glossy paper using my light box. I ended up using the larger letters.

The letters being traced using a light box for better visualization

Tracing on the light box

Once I had the letters traced I realized that I should have reversed them because doing them this way they would be backwards when I cut them out. Or I would have white letters which would be even more boring than the pink letters. I guess I haven’t had enough coffee yet this morning.

Letters traced with the Frixion pen in the wrong orientation

Letters traced the wrong way

It is a good thing that I used my Frixion pen to trace with as the lines were easily erased with the eraser on the end of the pen and I started over. This time with them reversed.

Reverse tracing of letters to get the right orientation when turned over

Letters traced in reverse

All cut out and ready to be glued to a piece of paper.

Blue letters in the word cake

Letters cut out

I auditioned some different coloured backgrounds and settled on yellow. They seemed to stand out best on it. Placing them a bit off from each other I glued them down with a glue stick.

Letters arranged on yellow paper and glued in place

Letters glued to yellow paper

I am all set for next week. How about you?

Happy Quilting!

Jen Transparent Signature