I am very excited to share my most recent project published in A Needle Pulling Thread (ANPT) Magazine. The inspiration for Issue 62 was the Universe – so many great quilt ideas can be found looking up at the sky – especially at night.
When we travel we often end up in dark sky areas and I love to gaze at the stars and planets. Often time there are meteor showers where we are and this quilt is inspired by the meteor showers. The first meteor shower we watched was with new found friends on the road at a campground in Texas. Of course the best viewing was at midnight and being December it wasn’t very warm but we bundled up in quilts, with a cup of tea and stared up at the sky the four of us – each calling out when they saw a shooting meteor. Great memories can be remembered in our quilt designs.

Presently the pattern for Starburst can be purchased as a download on the ANPT website. It’s a great pattern to have fun with choosing fabrics – make it bright with oranges like this one or create a moon scape instead with soft whites, creams and yellow. Both colour options will stand out on the black background and make a statement.

This quilt is constructed with paper piecing for the starburst block to have perfect points and strip piecing to make fast work of the checkerboard sections. A must have tool for paper piecing is the Add-a-Quarter ruler. It makes life so much easier for trimming the fabrics to ¼” seam allowances.

I finished this quilt at a park in Arizona and had a lot of fun doing a photo shoot in the park. It was a perfect backdrop for the quilt and showed it off very nicely.

Until next time…
Happy Quilting