rectangles stitched together

Hey Everyone, welcome back to Free Motion Friday.

I wanted to create a a continuous chain of rectangles today and had something completely different in mind than what I came up with. Funny how that happens.

I managed to create this chain of rectangles without having to back track over any stitching.

Follow this sequence for a continuous line motif with no back tracking.

Step 1

Stitch a rectangle on the fabric.

rectangle stitched on fabric

Stitch a rectangle

Step 2

Stitch a line diagonally from the corner to the middle of the rectangle.

diagonal line to centre of rectangle

Stitch a line to the centre

Step 3

Stitch another square starting in the middle of the other rectangle where the diagonal line stopped.

second rectangle stitched on fabric

Stitch another rectangle

Step 4

Stitch another diagonal line to the middle of the rectangle.

diagonal line extended to corner of first square

Continue the diagonal line to the corner

Step 5

Stitch another rectangle.

Third rectangle added to chain

Create a third rectangle

Step 6

Stitch a diagonal line to the corner of the last rectangle to complete the chain.

All rectangles connected with the diagonal line

Continue the diagonal line to the corner of the last rectangle

With the stitching being free motion and not quite straight there is a bit of a ripple to it – kind of neat effect. I also didn’t use my free motion gloves and it certainly makes a difference to my quality of stitching.

This motif could even be done with a walking foot which would be more precise and square. It can be easily marked with a chaco liner to follow the lines for even further precision.

I might try this motif in my next quilt. How about you?

Happy Quilting!

Jen Transparent Signature