by Jen | Technique Tuesday
Hey Everyone, welcome back to Technique Tuesday. I made my first round quilt last month to go with the placemat project I did for QUILTsocial. Now these round quilts were not very big – in fact only coaster size. About 5 inches in diameter. Being so small made...
by Jen | Stitch Along Sundays
Hey Everyone, welcome back to Stitch Along Sunday. As I read Ruth’s post the other day I realised that I missed one of the instructions for week 1. I forgot to pick a word that I associate with birthday. My word is cake. This week’s rules can be found on...
by Jen | Stitch Along Sundays
Hey Everyone, welcome back to Stitch Along Sunday on Friday. As you know from my UFO Monthly Round Up post at the beginning of August I still had to finish a few of spring Stitch Along pieces – three to be exact – April, May & June. I am very pleased...
by Jen | Cool Tool Thursday
Hey Everyone, welcome back to Cool Tool Thursday. Do you have a Frixion pen? How many? And what colours? I only have one Frixion pen which I received in a swag bag at a retreat that I went to. Mine is green and I have to say I wish I had a few other colours as...
by Jen | Stitch Along Sundays
Hey Everyone, welcome back to Stitch Along Sunday. Wow, August is here which means the start of another mini art quilt challenge. This month’s theme is the letter B which stands for birthday (Ruth’s b’day is this month btw), blue, baby, balloon,...
by Jen | Coffee Talk Saturday, UFO Spotlight
Hey Everyone, welcome back to Coffee Talk Saturday and my monthly UFO round up. It has been a while since I actually posted anything for the UFO challenge I created for myself. In fact I just seemed to skip right on over May and June. It appears that I have not been...
by Jen | Cool Tool Thursday, Technique Tuesday
Hey Everyone, welcome back to Cool Tool Thursday. Back in the spring I took a couple of classes taught by Carol Taylor. Carol does a lot of couching in her work and both of the classes I took did involve couching. Sewing machine have become very stream lined and sleek...
by Jen | Stitch Along Sundays, Technique Tuesday
Hey Everyone, welcome back to Stitch Along Sunday and Technique Tuesday. For the Technique Tuesday part I am going to show you how to make these 3-D ornaments by slipping two pieces together. This is the last week for July’s stitch along. I have to admit that I...
by Jen | Stitch Along Sundays
Hey Everyone, welcome back to Stitch Along Sunday on Wednesday. Yep, I was busy again making my little project for QUILTsocial so didn’t get to my stitch along piece on time. That’s okay though, as long as I have it done before next Sunday rolls around all...
by Jen | Story Time Monday
Hey Everyone, welcome back to Story Time Monday. Wow, it’s Monday again and the start of a new week of blogging at QUILTsocial for me. This week I am still playing with the Pfaff Quilt Expression 4.2 and making a neat little summer project with it. As you...