red-orange flower

Hey Everyone, welcome back to Snapshot/Coffee Talk Saturday.

I should have been sewing last evening as the blanket stitch on the Santa Sacs is not going to get done by itself. Instead I was playing with photos in photoshop and having so much fun.

A few of these I really want to turn into quilts – oh how I wish I had another 24 hours in each day to get done everything I want to do and have ideas for.

I started playing with some of the photos I took in St Martins, NB this summer at the André Gallant and Freeman Patterson workshop we attended. At the workshop I had a whole new world of possibilities opened up to me for my quilting.

The photos below are of flowers, rocks, wood plank walls, grass and blue bottles.

The image at the top of the page I am calling Translucent.

Glass & Grass

blue glass with green grass

Bold & Beautiful

Wood shingles and a red flower

Coffee Stained

coffee coloured wood and glass

Floral Rainbow

A rainbow of colour

Do you have a favourite? I am having a difficult time picking one as a favourite – I love them all.

Happy Quilting!

Jen Transparent Signature