Creating Contrast in Your Quilts – Trunk Show

Adding the WOW Factor

One of the keys to great art work and quilts is colour and contrast. 

This trunk show explores the effective use of contrast to create dimension, movement and visual harmony while supporting the initial attraction of colour in great quilt designs.  

Using contrast in the form of fabrics with different textures, patterns and value is one of the first steps to creating contrast in quilts and textile art. Adding embellishments such as thread play, couching, beading, painting, and other mixed media can also create contrast by adding dimension and texture within the piece. Most importantly a design or concept is needed to expand on. Using some or all of these different techniques – the ideas will be never ending. 

Join Jen as she explores the world of contrast and learn a few tips, tricks and techniques that you can incorporate into your quilt making and art to boost the contrast in your work. 

And learn how you can achieve that WOW factor in your quilts.

Virtual & In Person Trunk Show – 45 – 60 min

Book Jen Now

Contact Jen today to choose the perfect trunk show or workshop for your guild

Jen is available to present trunk shows, seminars and workshops from an evening to multiple days for your group, club, guild, shop or festival wherever you may be.

For a list of Jen’s current engagements and workshops check out her workshop schedule.

Contact Jen now at +1-705-835-3064 or email (or use the form below) to discuss your needs and book her in for your next get-together.

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