Sunrise at Lake Mary

Hey Everyone, welcome back to Coffee Talk Saturday.

The last few days and maybe weeks I have been finding it very grey here in Ontario. I am not sure when we last saw the sun and I am a sun girl.

I love the sun.

I love the heat from the sun and the blue sky that usually goes along with the sun. I am a sun girl and not having the sun drives me crazy. So I went back and looked through a few of our photos from Australia to find the sun. Not sure I found the sun but I did find some photos of activities we did in the sun.

The top photo is a sunrise at Lake Mary only 30 minutes from the town we lived in in the Outback.

Water skiing in the desert – yes that’s right in the desert. The first year we were there it rained and it rained and it rained. There was no where for the water to go and so lakes formed. Lakes that we could water ski on.

waterskiing the lake in the desert

Michael on Lake Mary

The desert is where I finally learned to ski on one ski. Who couldn’t with the size of that ski.

waterskiing on one ski

Finally mastered one ski

Water skiing on the Murray River.

single ski water-skier

Michael showing off again

Kayaking at the Coorong – a salt water area full of amazing bird life. That was quite the trip – the water level was so low at times we were walking and dragging the kayaks behind us.

kayaks beached

A beach at the Coorong

Horseback riding on the beach in the Daintree Rainforest of northern Queensland. Doesn’t it look inviting.

horseback riding on the beach

The Queensland beach

Snorkelling the Great Barrier Reef – what an awesome experience.

two people snorkelling

Snorkelling the GBR

A gorgeous sunset to end a perfect day at the beach in Glenelg.

the end of a day

Sunset at Glenelg

I hope that the sun returns soon otherwise I am moving south – don’t worry I’m not really but I do mention this fact several times a week to Michael at this time of year.

Enjoy the sun wherever you are and send a little my way.

Happy Quilting!

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