Bar Stools and Chairs

Hey Everyone, welcome back to Inspirational Sunday.

Yesterday we took a bit of a drive up to Gravenhurst, not far from here to visit the bike shop. I was not going to go and then decided to. On the way there I told Michael I only went to see the puppies. The owners of the bike shop have four gorgeous Malamute Huskies. I had heard about them and so thought I should meet them in person. And Michael thought I was going because I enjoy spending time with my husband.

After some time at the shop we headed out for dinner to a restaurant on the wharf. The name of the restaurant was Dock of the Bay and I have to say it was very good. I had Arctic Char, always one of my favourites and Michael had the pasta of the day. As we were sitting there chatting I was taking a look around at the surroundings and discovered that the upholstery on the chairs and bar stools may just make some great quilting motifs or quilt designs.

I decided to take some pics and the lighting was in my favour for using the iPhone as I didn’t have any other camera with me – go figure I live with a photographer and we are using the iPhone to take pictures with – what gives with that. Don’t leave home without it but certainly leave home without the real deal.

The bar tender caught me taking pictures and gave me a hard time in a teasing way. So do you think I can do anything with these designs? I’ll certainly give it a try sometime down the road.

Back of bar stool

Back of bar stool

Chair Back

Chair Back

Oh and by the way the pic up top was our view out the window. We tried to get a table on the deck but supposedly it was full even though tables sat empty the whole time we were there – obviously someone didn’t show for their reservation. No worries though as our waiter was really cool and we had a lovely chat with him. He had overheard us talking about Yellowknife and the Bike Shop in Gravenhurst and thought we had drove down from Yellowknife just to go to the bike shop. We had a good chuckle as that would be a 5 day drive.

Enjoy the wonderful weather, I know I am as I write this from my deck as I sit on my new comfy outdoor patio set. Wonder how I can set up my studio out here?

Not a bad view from my deck either

Not a bad view from my deck either

Happy Quilting!

Jen Transparent Signature