Multiple bulls eyes couched on centre piece of quilt

Hey Everyone, welcome back to UFO Saturday.

I had originally thought when planning this year of blogging that I would create postcards on Saturdays – 52 of them to be exact.  Today though as I am sitting in my studio and contemplating a postcard to create for today which is Saturday I changed my mind which of course is a quilter’s prerogative and decided to use this day to work on my UFO’s.

As you may recall from last year I counted them all up last January I had about 70. Yep, that’s right 70. I’ve taken a look at my spreadsheet and there are 17 marked off as fully completed and there are another 6 at the long arm as I write. Four of them should be back by the end of this month.

As well I am pretty sure that there are some on that list that will never be finished due to the fact that I just do not like them anymore or maybe never did and that’s why they became UFOs.

I had a good effort last year in getting the number down and along with those UFO’s being completed I also started and finished many other projects. 2014 was a very busy year for completing old and new projects.

I am looking forward to finishing many more this year.

I need to have a piece ready by Feb 8th for the Women’s International Day Art Show in Orillia, Ontario. This is the 19th year for this non-juried event which features 90+ artists of all medias. I have been a part of the show for the past 3 years and am looking forward to participating again.

The theme is Eye to Eye. Yep, that’s a hard one but I have a piece I started last spring and since it looks like many bulls’ eyes I am going to finish it for the show. No point starting a new piece when I have a perfectly good UFO I can finish and use for this event.

The image at the top of the page shows my couched piece from Carol Taylor’s class I participated in last spring. The couched rings look to me like many bulls’ eyes. Last fall I laid it out on the background with the other fabrics coming out from the around the centre piece but that is as far as I got with it.

Now it may or may not stay like this as I go along but that’s the fun part about being creative – what you vision in your mind to begin with doesn’t always come to be.

I’ll be back next week to show you the progress I have made on this piece and whether or not it looks anything like the image above.

Happy Quilting!

Jen Transparent Signature