A maple leaf

 Hey Everyone, welcome back to Snapshot-Coffee Talk Saturday.

The days are getting shorter as the cold weather fast approaches. The wonderful warm fall days that we had most of September and part of October are long gone. I am always sad to see the flowers wither and the leaves fall as I know that we will be devoid of colour for the next few months.

Winter does have it’s own beauty and I do enjoy the winter scenery but as you all know I love colour. The other day I took a quick break from getting ready for Creativfestival and grabbed the camera for a few shots of the leaves and trees.

The ditches on our road are now covered with a carpet of leaves. Don’t you have the urge to just walk through and kick them all around. I resisted so I could get my photo.

Leaves covering the ditch

A carpet of leaves

The maple leaves have fallen all over the yard and were back lit by the sun making for a great photo against the green grass. The maple leaf such a Canadian icon and the inspiration for my Purely Canadian quilt.

Back lit leaves

Back lit leaves

There are still a few leaves on the smaller trees which are a very intense yellow but for the most part the trees are now bare. The tree trunks make for great photos and possibly great quilts one day. I like how there is still a bit of green around the rock.

Rock and trees

Some green hanging on

The seasons they come and they go giving us endless inspiration and possibilities. Winter allows us the time to play and create with all the inspiration found throughout the year in the ever changing seasons.

What are you going to create this winter – I know what I am going to create.

Happy Quilting!

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