KAI Seam Ripper from Unique Sewing

Hey Everyone, welcome back to Cool Tool Thursday.

I had seen this seam ripper back in the spring at CreativFest but didn’t purchase it and then when I was at H.A. Kidd the other day I was given one to try out and highlight here on Cool Tool Thursday.

This seam ripper is from Unique Sewing and uses the KAI razor blades as the cutting tool.

Package with seam ripper

Seam ripper in it’s package

To begin it comes in several awesome colours and what quilter doesn’t like colour. Mine is purple. The coloured handle makes it easy to see on my sewing table. Not that any of us really want to be able to see our seam ripper as none of us like ripping out seams but it is a fact of sewing and quilting.

The sharp edge of the blade is surrounded by plastic teeth which also have a clear plastic cover when not in use.

Head of seam ripper and clear detachable cover

Head of seam ripper has teeth along razor’s edge

How to Use the Seam Ripper

Before using the KAI seam ripper open up the seam a half inch to an inch with a regular seam ripper.

Seam open about an inch with standard seam ripper

Getting the seam started

To reverse sew, aka rip out, hold the seam open with a bit of tension and slide the KAI seam ripper down along the stitches.

Ripping out the seam

Reverse sewing in progress

Continue down the whole length of the seam to complete the reverse sewing.

Seam held taunt while ripping the seam

Continuing down the seam

Other Great Features of the Seam Ripper

Use the seam ripper to brush away the little bits of thread that are left using the teeth around the blade. Many different seam rippers claim to be able to do this. I often find them to be ineffective with this task but not this seam ripper, it is very effective in removing the little bits that have been left behind.

Removing the teeny bits of thread left behind

Brush away the little bits of thread

It cuts only the thread and not the wonderful fabrics being used.

It will not cut your skin if you accidentally slip because the blade is surrounded by all those little teeth to protect you and your fabric from the sharp razor blade.

And the blade is rust proof.

A Cool Tool

This seam ripper is definitely a cool tool which is easy, quick, effective and safe to use. Not only was I impressed with it but so was Michael as he saw it in action while he took the photos.

Which colour are you going to buy for your sewing room?

Happy Quilting!

Jen Transparent Signature

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