Stitch Along sunday March 2015 Week 1

Hey Everyone, welcome back to Stitch Along Sunday.

Crazy isn’t it? Two months of 2015 have already flown by. So it is now a new month which brings us a new stitch along. I really enjoy doing these little mini art challenges as they keep my creative juices flowing.

The rules for this week can be found on Ruth’s blog – March Week 1 rules.

The rules this week were to choose one category from the list. The categories were sky, land or sea. I chose sea but now that I think about it it might be both land and sea. I guess I’ll see how it works out in the weeks to come. And as I take a look at my fabrics it could also be considered sky and land.

My first choice of fabric was this fabric of pebbles in browns, purples and beiges. I’ve also noticed that the fabric is directional so I will have to be careful when I am cutting and placing my pieces. You can see in the photo at the top of the page the pebbles are upside down.

Pebbles in purple, height and brown

Pebble fabric

Then I added in the sea fabrics. Using gradated fabrics for the sea gives me lots of choice in colours and colour combos.

Sea fabrics in blue, turquoise and teal with the pebble fabric

Sea fabrics

Finally I choice fabric for the sand. A variegated brown and some beige fabrics to complement the pebble fabric. The variegated brown starts out light to dark. In this photo you can see the light half of the fabric and in the photo at the top of the page I have the dark half showing.

Beige and brown fabrics for sand with the pebble fabric

Sand fabrics

And a few threads to go with the fabrics. I’ve chosen some metallics and many variegated cottons as well as a couple of rayons.

A variety of threads in purple, brown and turquoise

Variety of threads

Lastly the rules said to cut up the fabrics into strips either free form or with a ruler. And not too big as the piece will only be 10 – 12 inches in size. Well, I decided to cut 3 inch strips from each fabric then I will free form cut as I go and since they are mostly gradiated fabrics I will be fussy cutting.

Strips of a variety of different fabrics arranged from beige to blue

Fabric cut into strips

Who knows it may end up a bit bigger than the stated size. I’ve been known to do that.

Are you going to join in this month? I sure hope so as these little challenges are so much fun.

Happy Quilting!

Jen Transparent Signature