Hey Everyone, welcome back to Technique Tuesday.

For years I have been making Santa Sacs with a box bottom and using the same method over and over again. Before Christmas a friend was over and we were making the One Hour Basket which also had a box bottom and I discovered a whole new method of making a box bottom. Our baskets are shown at the top of the page.

But first, the One Hour Basket by Hearts and Bees is really cool and it is a free pattern right here on Craftsy so check it out. I bet you can’t stop at just one. Also make sure to check out their website for some very cool quilting ideas.

I decided to give this method a go on my Santa Sacs and the best part is that the seams match up every time. Not always with my other method did the seams match up perfectly.

Once the bag is sewn together I made the box bottom in 6 easy steps.

Step 1: Measure a square in each corner.

Ruler on bag corner measuring a square

Measure the appropriate size square in corner

Step 2: Cut the square out.

Corner of bag cut out in square shape

Square cut out of corner

Step 3: Match the seams so they nest together.

Edges brought together matching the seams

Nest seams together

Step 4: Pin the edges together.

4 flower pins in red fabric

Edges pinned together

Step 5: Sew the edges together.

A grey stitch line along edge of red fabric

Edges sewn together

Step 6: To create a perfect box corner.

a box corner with seams meeting perfectly

Perfect box corner

Thanks to Ali & Kelly of Hearts and Bees I now have a much faster and more efficient way of making a box bottom.

Here’s the one hour basket I made for my niece. It matches her lime green curtains.

lime green, purple and turquoise one hour basket

Abbygale’s one hour basket

Happy Quilting!

Jen Transparent Signature