carrying all the photography gear in the desert

Hey Everyone, welcome back to Coffee Talk Saturday.

Today I left the studio – yep actually went outdoors into the big bad world away from the sewing machine. I was gone for about 7 hours total so I hope my sewing machine didn’t go into withdrawal.

What did I do? Well, I went to my other job. Yes, believe it or not I have another job with Houlden Studios which is Michael’s photography business and I am a very important part of it as you can see from the image above. That’s me carrying all the gear on a shoot in the Outback and it must have been a winter shoot as I am all rugged up.

I have two very important roles as the sherpa and the VALS – voice activated light stand.

What is a VALS? Well, as a VALS I basically stand around holding a light on the end of stick to light up the people or scene of the photograph.

Lighting is to photography like what value is to colour – value does all the work but colour gets all the credit and lighting is what makes or breaks a photograph but the guy taking the photo gets all the credit.

I suppose there isn’t much I can do about this so I guess I will just have to live with it.

Happy Quilting!

Jen Transparent Signature