circles and straight lines

Hey Everyone, welcome back to Free Motion Friday.

Pearls are a girls best friend or at least that is what they say. These ones are not quite wearable but they are very decorative especially in the right space and on the right quilt.

Circles and straight lines is what this free motion motif is all about.

Darning foot in place, feed dogs down and gloves on here is the step by step how to.

Step 1

Start with a straight line for about a ½″.

sew a straight line

Start with a straight line

Step 2

At the end of the straight line stitch a circle and come back up to the end of the straight line.

add a circle to the end of the line

Stitch a circle

Step 3

Stitch through the middle of the circle and below the circle about a ½″

Stitch the straight line through the circle

Continue the straight line through the circle and below

Step 4

Sew another circle just like in step 2.

another circle added

Make a second circle

Step 5

Stitch through the middle of this circle and down below the circle approximately a ½″. Continue on to fill the length of the space.

Continue the straight line down through the circle and below

Finish off with another straight line

Step 6

Stitch the second row of pearls but this time start with a pearl rather than the string. Continue adding rows until the space is filled.

Another string of pearls beside the first one

Second row added next to the first

They also look great in the horizontal orientation.

motif oriented horizontally

On the horizontal

How do you like these pearls?

Happy Quilting!

Jen Transparent Signature