Lime coloured letting strip added to back of blocks

Hey Everyone, welcome back to Technique Tuesday.

Last week I discussed how to attach leading strips to the top side of quilt as you go blocks. These blocks that I made were specifically done with the stitch & flip method of quilt as you go. I have been having lots of fun with this method of quilt as you go and made a piece called Merging Traffic.

I will be doing a presentation on this method and technique at CreativFestival Friday and Saturday, april 25 & 26 at the International Centre. Make sure to drop by and check it out.

Okay back to the task at hand – adding the leading strips to the back of the blocks or row.

The Back Leading Strip

To begin I cut a 2″ x 5 ¼″ strip or the length needed then folded it in half with wrong sides together and pressed flat.

All seams are sewn at a ¼″.

Step 1

Trim the two pieces of batting so that they meet in the centre.

Batting edges meeting in the centre

Batting trimmed and meeting

Step 2

Whip stitch them together using a loser whip stitch as you do not want the pieces to bunch up and cause a ridge. I used a contrasting coloured thread so you could see.

Batting edges stitched together with the whip stitch

Batting whip stitched together

Step 3

Trim the left hand piece of backing so that it sits a ¼″ to the left of the whip stitching.

Trim backing on left hand side

Backing trimmed

Backing piece now sits a ¼″ to the left of where the batting meets

Backing a ¼″ to the left from centre

Step 4

Place the leading strip along the edge of the left side backing piece with raw edges together. It is easier to fold the other block under so that the edge of the backing is over hanging as this piece is only sewn to the backing.

Place letting strip on edge of backing with raw edges together

Leading strip lined up with edge of backing

Step 5

Sew in place to the backing fabric only.

Sew letting strip to backing

Leading strip sewn in place

Step 6

Press leading strip over towards whip stitching.

Letting strip pressed towards centre of piece over whip stitching.

Press leading strip towards centre.

Step 7

Trim the other backing piece if needed – it should cover the whip stitching by a ¼″ and meet up with the edge of the other backing piece.

Cover whip stitching by a ¼″ with the other backing piece

Backing covering the whip stitching

Step 8

Pin the leading strip down so it is covering all raw edges.

Pin letting strip to back of piece

Leading strip pinned in place

Step 9

Hand sew in place with matching thread using a blind hem stitch.

Letting strip hand sewn in place

Hand sew leading in place

Now the piece is ready to add on more block/rows or trim and bind as is.

Happy Quilting!

Jen Transparent Signature