Bargello with log cabin border

Hey Everyone, welcome back to Story Time Monday.

I was at a friend’s a couple of weeks ago and we were chatting as quilter’s do about this, that and anything but mainly quilting. She asked me what I thought about this project she hadn’t finished and if I had any ideas or inspiration on how she should finish it.

To the corner of her studio we went where under the shelf were all these neatly arranged bags on the floor. Each bag contained a UFO waiting to be finished. She called it the ‘Pick Me’ corner because they were all so eagerly waiting to be picked next and finished. Now the image that comes into my head is each bag sent up an arm with a little hand on it waving frantically to be picked. Just like we did as kids in elementary school when a teacher asked a question.

The piece was a Bargello done in cream, tans, burgundies and teals. My suggestion was that she make a border and bring out one or two of the colours in the Bargello.

Bargello UFO

The Bargello

My friend set to work the next day and added on a couple of borders. Some plain and some pieced. The two pieced sections in the gradation of fabrics on the top and bottom definitely add to the piece and give the illusion of the Bargello design coming down into the bottom border.

A couple of borders added

First round of borders added

In the bottom of her bag there was more fabric and so she set about making 36 log cabin blocks. I am not sure what size they were but they are a great touch as an outer border. I like how she has used the cream fabric on one side of the log cabin and framed the piece. The blocks create a sawtooth looking border from the way the way the log cabin blocks were positioned in the border.

Bargello with log cabin border

Log cabin border in place

Sometimes we look at a piece and wonder what to do. We can always just add a plain fabric border but then if we start thinking outside the box there are just so many possibilities to dress up a design or quilt centre. My friend did a great job of thinking outside the box with this piece.

When I was taking the Bargello Seasons class with Ruth Blanchet I didn’t want to put on just plain borders either and so I started thinking outside the box and wandering what I could do.

Bargello in Spring

Read the full story of the Bargello in Spring quilt.

Bargello in spring

Bargello in Autumn

Read the full story of the Bargello in Autumn quilt.

Bargello in Autumn

Bargello in Winter

Read the full story of the Bargello in Winter quilt.

Bargello in Winter

Do you have a piece that needs you to think outside the box? Give it a go and see what amazing designs you can create.

Happy Quilting!

Jen Transparent Signature