quilted heart motif
Hey Everyone, welcome back to Free Motion Friday.

Hearts were never my strong suit to draw as a kid but then again I really couldn’t draw anything as a kid. I only took art because it was mandatory up until a certain grade and then no more. I find it strange that drawing with the sewing machine, needle and thread comes much easier to me than with pencil and paper. And I am so glad it does as it makes quilting so much more interesting.

The heart motif is a great little motif that can be used in small areas or as an all over design. A good thing to remember is that the larger the area being quilted ie a queen size quilt the motif should be increased in size so that it doesn’t take forever to quilt the quilt. The nice thing about these hearts is the size can be easily changed depending the size of the quilt or space.

Between the hearts is just plain meandering to connect the hearts together.

To begin sew down a bit and then create the first side of the heart.

first side of stitched in place

Make first side of heart

At the bottom point of the heart stop and then continue up the other side of the heart.

Arrows show direction in which to stitch second side of heart

Second side added to complete heart

Remember this free motion thing takes lots of practice – at first the hearts may look a bit lopsided or whimsical. Some may even say they look strawberries. Keep on practicing and it will all fall in place.

Happy Quilting!

Jen Transparent Signature