Follow the Arrow mug rug

Hey Everyone, welcome back to Mug Rug Monday.

I am officially a quarter of the way through my mug rug challenge with the completion of this mug rug – yippee! It is fun making this little pieces and the best part is I finish them.

This week’s mug rug is based on my quilt called Follow the Arrow. I designed this quilt last September using the ColorWorks fabric line from Northcott.

This is the first one I made with a grey background and pastel coordinates. It is currently on tour in the United States somewhere. Isn’t it amazing how are quilts get to go more places than we do. I’ll just have to live vicariously through them.

Follow the Arrow quilt in grey and pastels

Follow the Arrow Lap Quilt

The fabric line has a huge range of colours which all look great in this quilt.

The second one I made used a black background and bright coordinates.

Follow the arrow quilt in black and brights

Follow the Arrow wall hanging

Onto the mug rug. I had left over pieces from the both of the quilts I have made one set larger than the other. Since my mug rug is small I opted to use the smaller pieces made with the black background and brights.

I pretty much and leftover pieces of every colour in the quilt – what colour to use? Seeing how it is still March I decided on the green.

Leftover pieces from the wall hanging quilt

The leftovers

Sewing the rail fence strips and the quarter square triangle pieces together I then trimmed them down to 3 ½″ x 11″.

Green and black arrow strip sewn together

Arrow section

Adding in 2 ½″ x 11″ pieces on either side of the arrow piece the mug rug is complete at 7 ½″ x 11″. Now if I was so inclined I could make another 8 of these – not today.

Black strips added to the top and bottom

Black strips added

Quilting is simple with straight lines mimicking the arrow shape. I used a grey/black variegated thread as I wanted the quilting to stand out. If I had used black thread the quilting wouldn’t nearly as visible. I used black to quilt the wall hanging size pictured above.

Quilting done as straight line quilting echoing the arrow shape

Echo quilting of the arrow shape

And the backing I used is too cool.

the backing fabric is multi-coloured neon paw prints

Neon paw print backing

Binding on and we can call it done for another Mug Rug Monday.

Follow the Arrow mug rug in black and green

Follow the Arrow – Mug Rug #13

Happy Quilting!

Jen Transparent Signature