Fun with 5 inch squares

Hey Everyone, welcome back to Stash Blasting Wednesday on Thursday.

I was all set to write a post yesterday being Wednesday about a new wall hanging I am working on with pre-cuts but then things got in the way – shopping for new spring clothes, folding and stuffing patterns and of course cat proofing the deck so Tripod wouldn’t go on another walk-about as she did before lunch.

She figured out – after 4 years – that she could fit through the rungs in the gate and go down the back stairs. I found her running down the hill towards freedom – if of course a 3 legged cat can actually run – I suspect gravity was giving her a fair bit of help going down the hill.

Anyway she is not impressed with the new set of prison bars I have installed.

Bamboo trellis attached to deck gate and railing

The bars

So back to the fast and easy designs with 5 inch squares which I still seem to have a lot of despite using up many for my presentation at CreativFest last week.

An array of 5 inch squares waiting to be used

More 5 inch squares

Just Squares

A small table runner using 18 – 5 inch squares. Mine are all coordinated in that each one has a circle motif. This table runner could easily be made longer – just add more squares.

The table runner measures 14″ x 27 ¼″.

A table runner of 5 inch squares

Just Squares

Zebra Stripes

I used all 40 – 5 inch squares in the pack of batik pre-cuts from Timeless Treasures. Matching up with light and dark or contrasting colours to make half square triangles. Then arranging them in the zigzag pattern makes for an interesting look for this table runner especially how the colours flow.

The piece is 16 ¼″ x 40 ¼″.

A zigzag motif using 5 inch squares

Zebra Stripes

Squares & Half Squares

This table cloth was made with a mix of 5 inch squares from several charm packs. I cut all the light coloured squares in half and then placed them between the dark squares to add contrast. Staggering them in the design makes for an interesting effect.

The piece uses 34 dark squares and 18 light squares. It measures 31 ¾″ x 32 ¾″.

A mixture of squares and rectangles to make a table cloth

Squares & Half Squares

Just a bit of fun with 5 inch squares that takes no time at all to whip up and create a wonderful piece for yourself or a gift for a treasured friend.

Happy Quilting!

Jen Transparent Signature

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