by Jen | Technique Tuesday
Hey Everyone, welcome back to Technique Tuesday. As I have sat here today at the sewing machine stitching down appliqué on a jumbo stocking I thought I don’t think I have done a blog post about this and so here it is. There are a few different stitches that can...
by Jen | Stitch Along Sundays, Story Time Monday
Hey Everyone, welcome back to Stitch Along Sunday and Story Time Monday. As I promised yesterday. Yesterday’s post I talked about my trip to Bradford Nursery and the great little pot belly Santa and snowman I bought on my excursion. They were to be the...
by Jen | Inspirational Sunday
Hey Everyone, welcome back to Inspirational Sunday. Yesterday I went with my mother-in-law and Michael’s niece and nephew to Bradford Nurseries near Barrie, Ontario. This is the first time I have ever been but it is definitely a worth a visit as it is gorgeously...
by Jen | Coffee Talk Saturday
Hey Everyone, welcome back to Coffee Talk Saturday. The last few days and maybe weeks I have been finding it very grey here in Ontario. I am not sure when we last saw the sun and I am a sun girl. I love the sun. I love the heat from the sun and the blue sky that...
by Jen | Free Motion Friday
Hey Everyone, welcome back to Free Motion Friday. I started out making strings of popcorn. Remember when you were a kid and you would string a whole bowl of popcorn onto thread with a needle? Now that I think about it that would have been one very long piece of thread...
by Jen | Cool Tool Thursday
Hey Everyone, welcome back to Cool Tool Thursday. I have seen many magnetic devices for keeping track of your scissors and needles when hand sewing but none quite as cute as this one. A friend of my mother-in-law’s gave me this one and I have to say it is a very...
by Jen | Technique Tuesday
Hey Everyone, welcome back to Technique Tuesday. Here is a super-easy method to make a Lemoyne Star using half-square triangles. The other day I had a request via e-mail to help find a pattern to make a 10″ LeMoyne star block. I did a search of my own on the internet...
by Jen | Story Time Monday
Hey Everyone, welcome back to Story Time Monday. Since it is the season of the poinsettia I thought this quilt would be quite appropriate to share with you. Christmas Pointsettia is one of Ruth Blanchet’s designs from Arbee Designs. This pattern is made up of...
by Jen | Stitch Along Sundays
Hey Everyone, welcome back to Stitch Along Sunday. Another month has gone and a new month begins. I really find it hard to believe that it is December and the year is almost over – where has the time gone. Ruth and I have now been at the 365 day blog challenge...