Wait, Don't Wipe Your Hands On That

Hey Everyone, welcome back to Inspirational Sunday.

The other night when I was at my fibre arts group annual potluck dinner our hostess gave one of the ladies a serviette. I happened to catch a glimpse of the package as I was walking by and said ‘Wait, may I have one too?’ But not to wipe my hands on. Rather to use for my blog on Inspirational Sunday. She gladly gave me one and then rummaged around in the drawer to see if there were any other great finds for me but there was nothing so I put my one find into my purse to be used at a later date.

What struck first about this piece was the colour or how the colours worked so well together. The reason being is because there is great use of value – light, medium and dark colours on a neutral background of white which makes the colours just pop right off the paper. The analogous colour scheme ranges from blue to yellow-green.

I didn’t really look at lhe design on the serviette until today when I pulled it out to photograph it and write about my great find. The design looks a lot like tropical leaf or petal or maybe even wings. It would make a great appliqué pattern or a quilting motif of some sort especially for large open spaces in a quilt block of one solid colour. Using a variegated thread would make the design very interesting. Using a gradated fabric for an appliqué pattern would work really well too.

Any way I just thought I would share my great find from the kitchen drawer of a fellow fibre artist.

What would you do with it?

Happy Quilting!

Jen Transparent Signature