landscape art quilt

Hey Everyone, welcome back to Stitch Along Sunday.

Last week I had so much fun I couldn’t wait to get the rules for this week and continue on with this little landscape quilt. If you missed last week here is my post Stitch Along Sunday – September Week 1.

For this week’s challenge here are the Rules – September Week 2 on Ruth’s blog. Make sure to check out Ruth’s September Week 2  and see how her piece is coming along.

This week we are to cut up our piece and add in fracture lines. Yes, that’s right cut up the piece. The fracture fabric was picked to add some contrast to the piece. I chose an orange/yellow for my fabric. Unfortunately there is not enough of for to make a border.

fabric to be used for fracture lines

Audition of fabric for fracture lines

I decided to make my fracture lines curvy and I used The Wave Edge Ruler as a guide.

wave ruler in position to cut

Wave ruler in place

The next thing I knew my piece was in pieces. I made the vertical cuts first and then added a horizontal cut. It probably would have been wiser to do the horizontal cut after I had put the piece back together but I didn’t so I dealt with it.

quilt cut into pieces

Landscape cut up into pieces

I tried sewing the strips into the curved pieces and was having a horrible and since I had a very limited amount of this fabric I decided to cheat and use stitch witchery to hold the pieces together. The only drawback to this method is that I still have raw edges that I will need to do something with.

I added in the horizontal strips first.

extra fabric added into horizontal cut

Horizontal fracture line added

Then the first vertical strip.

vertical line added in

First vertical fracture strip in place

The second vertical strip is added.

Art piece back together with second vertical line in place

Second vertical line complete

I thought it was missing a bit so I made two more cuts on each side and this what I ended up with.

two more fracture lines added to each side

Two more vertical fracture lines added

I wonder what we will do next week – and you know there are 5 Sundays in September so this could get interesting.

Happy Quilting!

Jen Transparent Signature