Free form sewing of fabrics

Hey Everyone, welcome back to Stitch Along Sunday.

Last week for week one of the March stitch along we dove into our scrap bins and came out with some fabric – not hard to do when it is overflowing with fabric.

I had 3 different sets and decided to use both of the colourful ones rather than the plain cream.

The rules for this week can be found on Ruth’s blog – March Week 2 Rules. So the rules say to sew the pieces together.

Since all of my fabrics were in larger pieces I just started sewing and trimming as I went until I ended up with two pieces the size needed. One piece was to be approximately 10 x 10 inches and the other 10 x 14 inches.

I also wanted the process to go quickly and be able to see the larger prints in the fabrics and keeping the pieces larger accomplished both.

Blue/Maroon Fabrics

Step 1 – the first two scraps

first 2 fabrics sewn together

First seam sewn

Step 2 – adding in a curved piece

adding a curved piece

Second seam sewn which is curved

Step 3 – eliminating the curved piece, too many puckers

Fourth piece of fabric added

Third seam sewn and curve removed

Step 4 – creating another section

adding another scrap to a trimmed piece

Second section made from a trimmed piece

Step 5 – combining the two sections

sewing the two sections together

The two sections sewn together

Step 6 – piece trimmed with square edges

piece trimmed with square edges and sides

Trimmed to a size of 10 x 13 inches

Orange/Turquoise Fabrics

Step 1 – the first two scraps

Sewing the first two scraps together

First two pieces sewn together

Step 2 – adding on the diagonal

The third piece added on a diagonal

Adding piece number three

Step 3 – the light piece on top

adding the lightest piece to the top

Light piece positioned on top

Step 4 – another diagonal piece

The last pieces added on the diagonal

Adding one of the pieces previously trimmed off

Step 5 – piece trimmed with square edges

Trimmed up square or almost square

Trimmed to 10 x 14 inches

This was a lot of fun to create with no perfectly cut pieces – a bit of freedom to do what you want with no rules.

It will be interesting to see what Ruth has us do next week.

Happy Quilting!

Jen Transparent Signature