Hey Everyone, welcome back to Stitch Along Sunday.

Here it is the second Sunday in July already and I am all set to make some shapes with the fabrics I chose last week for Stitch Along Sunday – July 2015 Week 1.

This week’s rules can be found on Ruth’s blog – July Week 2 Rules. Make sure to check out the July Gallery and see what everyone else is up to with their pieces.

I decided not to add another fabric into the mix for the background as I figured I had busy enough fabrics as it was. I know I could use a tone on tone or plain fabric but I’ll use the green X’s & O’s fabric for the background. Each piece is 20 x 21 inches.

Two pieces of green gradated fabric with X's on one piece and O's on the other

The X & O fabric cut in half

The other two fabrics I fused a piece of fusible web 9 x 18 inches to the back of each.

Two fabrics fused with Steam-a-Seam

Fusible on the back

From the lightest fabric I cut a whole bunch of different sized triangles.

Cream coloured triangles on a green background in many different sizes

Many triangles

The red fabric is definitely directional along the length of the fabric so I had to cut a piece 20 inches long. From that I cut 9 – 1 x 18 inch strips because the fusible was only 18 inches in length. Where I bought the fabric she called this her pencil fabric. I see finger bones in this fabric – that’s the nurse coming out in me. I think the designer was going for trees not finger bones.

I started with the red strips staggered.

Red fabric strips on a green background of X's

Red fabric strips

Then added in a large triangle to each end.

Cream triangles at the end of red strips

Triangles added at the end of strips – looks like arrows

I didn’t really like the strips staggered so I lined them all up and placed the triangles on the straight lines at an angle.

Multiple triangles along the red strips at an angle

Triangles on an angle

But then decided the background was so busy that the triangles might look better on the straight and narrow.

Triangles placed vertically along the red strips

Triangles on the straight and narrow

I like the straight narrow. Which do you like?

So next week from the rules I already know that we are going to be doing some couching. Yay, I like couching.

Well, I had best go and cut some more pieces as I want to make the O background as well. Maybe even two O backgrounds for a tryptic.

Happy Quilting!

Jen Transparent Signature

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