red flower on checkered background

Hey Everyone, welcome back to Stitch Along Sunday.

This little challenge is coming right along and I love how it looks. The third Sunday in January already – the rules for week 3 can be found on Ruth’s blog – Rules – Week 3. Make sure to check out the January Gallery and see what everyone else is up to.

From last weeks post I had several different layouts to choose from and went with the last one. Check out the other layouts in Stitch Along Sunday – January Week 2. 

Last week we added the letter E to the list which stood for embellishment. I hadn’t decided how to embellish the piece last week but did so this week along with stitching down the appliqué and broderie perse flower. Remind me not to use quite as detailed a flower the next time I do broderie perse.

Letter A – Appliqué

I used the blanket stitch with a variegated thread to stitch down the leaves and stem.

blanket stitch used to secure stem and leaves

Stem and leaves stitched with blanket stitch

Letter B – Broderie Perse

To stitch down the flower I used a straight stitch in red variegated thread around all of the raw edges. This took a bit of time and was quite fiddly but it does look good. I added in a yellow line of stitching at the edge of the centre.

Flower secured with a straight stitch

Straight stitch around petals

Letter E – Embellishment

For the embellishment I stitched French knots into the centre of the flower to look like seeds. I had to go up to my mother-in-law’s to borrow an embroidery needle with a large eye in order to use the thick floss I had. It was more like a pearl cotton than an embroidery floss. I obviously do not do much embroidery work.

Centre of flower has French knots to simulate seeds

French knots added to centre of flower

Letter F – Free Motion

This week is the letter F which stands for free motion. I chose to use the motif I highlighted on the last Free Motion Friday post called A String of Pearls.  This was stitched in a black/grey variegated thread.

String of pearls motif used for the free motion quilting

Close up of free motion stitching

So that is it for this week. See you next week for the big finale.

Happy Quilting!

Jen Transparent Signature