Travelling trunk show

Hey Everyone, welcome back to Stitch Along Sunday.

Another month has gone and a new month begins. I really find it hard to believe that it is December and the year is almost over – where has the time gone. Ruth and I have now been at the 365 day blog challenge for 335 days – yes that is right we have posted daily for 335 days. Quite the accomplishment I would say.

Onto the challenge for this week. Ruth has changed it up a bit and you will need to go to her blog for December Week 1 – Rules and to download the template that is needed to make this little piece. Yep, it is little, only 3 x 4 inches with a tab of 1 ½″. I can’t say that I work tiny so it was a bit of a challenge but I succeeded.

Remember to check out the December Gallery to see other Stitch Along Sunday pieces.

The rule was that we were to make a memory card about something from the past week. I was out travelling the roads this week going from guild to guild to speak and show the members my trunk show which is called Creating with Colour -My Quilt Journey. I figured why not make a memory card of the trunk shows.

I started by drawing out my piece on the template Ruth provided. A trunk, the road and some quilts.

Idea sketched on paper

Sketch of piece

Then I picked some fabrics from my stash – I wasn’t too picky about what I picked other than the fabrics for the trunk and pavement.

Bunch of fabrics

Fabrics for the piece

Every piece was traced on steam-a-seam fusible web and then fused to a piece of Timtex. I decided to make mine more sturdy rather than just sandwiching with batting. I used Timtex last week in the final week of the November Stitch Along.

Fabric pieces on top of each other

All pieces fused in place

The yellow lines of the road were added first to the pointed end of the piece which represents the road and going forward.

I then proceeded to stitch around each quilt in the trunk and quilt it. This took me a bit longer than I had thought it would but well worth the effort. The quilts were all outlined with satin stitch and then the quilting was either done with straight stitch or free motion.

Stitching on quilts and road

Road lines and quilts stitched

A close up of the quilts. All of them have been quilted differently.

Stitching on fabric

Close up of stitching on quilts

Finally I stitched the trunk and all around the whole piece with a satin stitch.

Piece stitched together

The whole piece stitched together with satin stitch

Seeing how I was travelling down the road a couple of wheels were needed to make it easier to move forward. Big yellow buttons make perfect wheels.

yellow buttons added to piece

Wheels added to get down the road

On the back I wrote a little bit about the front and what I had done in the week.

Writing on back of piece

Story on back

A piece of ribbon with a ring were added to hang it.

Piece is complete

Hanging ribbon added

What did you do this past week that was memorable?

Happy Quilting!

Jen Transparent Signature