Hey Everyone, welcome back to Stash Blasting Wednesday.

I was going through my drawer that holds UFO’s. For those of you who do not know what a UFO is it is an unfinished object and unfortunately I have many. I won’t go into detail otherwise we will be here all day but I am happy to say that I have recently completed one of my UFO’s and will be removing it from the list – yippee!!!

Back to what I found in the drawer – a whole bunch of 3 ½″ squares. Some were just a plain square while others were half square triangles and some were rail fence squares. When I was designing my Ocean Party quilt I had made all of these and didn’t do a thing with them – didn’t do anything with the original block that I made for my Ocean Party quilt either and have 12 of them. I guess I should be making a cuddle quilt from these as well.

BTW how is everyone doing on their cuddle quilts? Hopefully better than I. I have lots of blocks to put together -just haven’t done it yet.

Back to my stash drawer find – I put the squares together in the block that I had been making however long ago and thought, “Oh, I can see why I didn’t use that.” I tried some other configurations and then just decided to use the plain squares and the rail fence squares alternating in a block.

The Block

The block is a 12 inch block and I have to say that with the fabrics I have used it looks a bit psychedelic .

Only 2 fabrics have been used in this block.

Cutting Instructions

Black Print

  • Cut 8 – 3 ½″ squares
  • Cut 1 – 1 ½″ x WOF strip

Orange Fabric

  • Cut 2 – 1 ½″ x WOF strip
Fabrics cut and ready to sew together.

Fabrics cut and ready to sew together.

Putting it Together

1. Sew the orange 1 ½″ x WOF strips to either side of the black 1 ½″ x WOF strip.  Press the seams towards the black fabric. Cut the strip set into 8 – 3 ½″ squares.  Refer to my post on strip sets for squaring up and sub cutting into smaller pieces.

Strips sewn together.

Strips sewn together

Cut 8 - 3 ½″ squares

Cut 8 – 3 ½″ squares

2. Lay out 4 rail fence squares and 4 black squares as per orientation in photo.  The rail fence will be horizontal. Sew together and press the seam towards the black square.

Sew rail fence in horizontal position to black square.

Sew rail fence in horizontal position to black square

Press seam towards black square.

Press seam towards black square

3. Sew two pairs together of the units made in step 2 to make 2 rows.

Sew two pairs together

Sew two pairs together

Make 2 rows like this.

Make 2 rows like this

4. Lay out the remaining 4 rail fence squares and 4 black squares as per orientation in photo. The rail fence will be vertical. Sew together and press the seam towards the black square.

Sew a vertically oriented rail fence square to a black square.

Sew a vertically oriented rail fence square to a black square.

Press the seam towards the black square.

Press the seam towards the black square.

5. Sew two paris together of the units made in step 4 to make 2 rows.

Rail fence in vertical orientation with black square.

Sew two pairs together

Make 2 rows like this.

Make 2 rows like this

6. Lay out the rows as per photo below.  Sew rows 1 & 2 and 3 & 4 together taking care to match the seams.  I recommend pinning. Press the seams towards row 1 and  3.

Lay out rows as per photo

Lay out rows as per photo

7.  Sew the two units made in step 6 together.  Press the steam towards row 2.

Happy Halloween!!

Happy Halloween!!

There you have it my block for this week – I don’t think it has a name at all other than a variation on a nine patch block.  Hate to see those squares go to waste so a cuddle quilt this will become.

Happy Quilting!

Jen Transparent Signature