One Eyed, One Horned, Flying Purple Thread Eater

Hey Everyone, welcome back to Cool Tool Thursday.

Okay, so I am dating myself with this title and no it does not have one eye or a horn and it doesn’t fly but it is purple and I did get your attention.

One of my favourite tools is my little collapsable purple garbage can. It is called The Gypsy Bitty Buddy.

One Eyed, One Horned, Flying Purple Thread Eater

I bought my purple garbage can one year when I was in California at an Empty Spools Seminar. (btw the list of teachers is out for 2014) I really didn’t like the brown paper bag stuck to the edge of the table as over time it rips and it just doesn’t hold enough. The Cotton Patch which is the on site shop for the seminar had this little gizmo and I thought perfect.

The Bitty Buddy is light weight, collapsable and easy to transport to workshops. It is made out of a nylon material and has a spring sewn into the material. A piece of elastic is attached to wrap around it when it is collapsed, but I have found that I need to add an elastic band as the piece of elastic doesn’t always stay in place.

Needs an extra elastic to keep it collapsed otherwise it is like a Jack in the Box.

Needs an extra elastic to keep it collapsed otherwise it is like a Jack in the Box.

At home it sits right beside my machine and there is no excuse for threads going on the floor. I just have to make sure to empty it at the end of the day as I have a cat who likes to eat thread and fabric and seems to know exactly where the scraps are.

Always ready and waiting to be used.

Always ready and waiting to be used right beside my machine.

This little tool may not be helpful in your actual quilting but it will help keep your space neat and tidy.

Coolness Factor – Quilts by Jen rates it 9 out of 10.

Usefulness Factor – Quilts by Jen rates it 10 out of 10.

Happy Quilting!

Jen Transparent Signature