Lava Gull-2020

Hey Everyone, welcome back to Inspirational Sunday.

As I was thinking about what inspires me I remembered this picture of a Lava Gull that Michael took on our trip to the Galapagos Islands a few years ago. What an amazing trip it was – so worth it.  I am not a bird fan and there were birds everywhere. The amazing thing is that the birds and reptiles have no fear of anything not even humans unlike the ones in the rest of the world.

Each island is unique and has specific species that reside only on that island. Like this Lava Gull and the Red Footed Boobies and don’t forget the Blue Footed Boobies. One island had the Albatross who only come in from sea to mate – we just happened to be there at the time – very cool.

So back to the picture above. He is definitely an achromatic plus colour scheme. Those eyes look a bit freaky don’t they – such a bright colour amongst the black, grey and white. Not sure if they glow in the dark or not – now wouldn’t that would be freaky if they did. Maybe subconsciously I was using him as my inspiration for the Woven Stars quilt I made a while back.

Lava Gull

There is definitely an uncanny likeness – don’t you think?

Happy Quilting!

Jen Transparent Signature