Colourful tree skirt

Hey Everyone, welcome back to Story Time Monday.

This wonderful tree skirt I made for my niece several years ago. I promised her brother one a couple of years ago so had best get to that one soon.

I am a huge fan of Laurel Burch designs and fabrics because they are so colourful and full of life. Unfortunately, Laurel passed away in 2007 from the disease osteopetroses which she was born with. Her story is very interesting in that she left home at the age of 14, ended up in San Francisco and started making jewellery from found items. Click on the link at the beginning of this paragraph to read more about her story and life.

One year she had a line of Christmas fabric with very funky and colourful cats. The cats and the coordinating fabrics are the ones I chose to make the tree skirt from. My niece is a cat lover and it turns out her daughter is as well.

colourful cats

Close up of cat fabric

The design for this tree skirt I found in a magazine. The trees are paper priced and the rest is pieced. I like how the skirt is square but has half of the blocks jutting out from the edge of the square. It gives the skirt some character. I also like the square centre although I think I found the corners to be quite difficult to lay flat when I sewed the binding on because I didn’t cut it on the bias. Live and learn.

I would love to share the magazine and designer of this wonderful piece with you but unfortunately I don’t have the pattern anymore. It was lost in the move somewhere between Yellowknife and Australia. Somehow I don’t think I am going to find it.

Most certainly my favourite tree skirt I have made to date.

Do you have a favourite tree skirt?

Happy Quilting!

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