Bargello Demonstration at Country Concessions

Bargello Demonstration at Country Concessions

Hey everyone,

Just a short post today as I wanted to make sure you were all aware of the drop-in Bargello Quilting Demonstration I am presenting at Country Concessions tomorrow – Saturday, 8 September from 9:30 to 3:30.

If you have ever wondered how someone can have the patience to put a Bargello Quilt together, why not stop by and learn the super-simple trick to Bargellos that lets you create the incredible geometric patterns that make Bargellos so stunning.  You will be amazed at how easy this technique is and you’ll wonder, “why didn’t I try this sooner?”

In fact, the hardest part of a successful Bargello pattern is choosing the right fabrics and getting the colour run properly organised from the darkest value fabric to lightest value.  My Technique Tuesday post from earlier this week was on how to select fabrics for a fabulous Bargello.  To make things even easier for you to get started, I put in some time at Country Concessions today, pulling fabric bolts from the shelves and putting together a few sets of colour runs to get you started.

It’s never been easier to get started with a Bargello Quilt!

Come on down to Country Concessions tomorrow between 930 and 330, see how it’s done, check out some of the patterns on sale (from beginner to advanced) and buy the fabric you need to make it work from the colour runs I have had chosen for you.

Hope to see you there!


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