Hi everyone!

Welcome back to the Stitch Along Sunday Party for Week 2. There were some great pieces submitted last week using the first four words: Blue, Time, Round, Plant.  Here are a few.

This really cool piece submitted by Chris van der Jagt:

Chris van der Jagt - Stitch Along Sunday Week 1

Click to see larger..

Darlene MacIsaac submitted this fun one:

Stitch Along Sunday - Darlene MacIsaac

Click to see larger

And Joan submitted this beauty:

Stitch Along Sunday by Joan

Click to see larger…

Last Sunday Ruth posted the instructions for week 2:

You can choose just two of these words to add to your project or you can use all three. The only other rule is, one of those words needs to be represented by stitching.

This week’s words are: Spin, flicker, free

Well, there you have it, let’s see what you created last week – link up in the Linky Party below and share your work. And yes, if you don’t have a blog, just send your photo and a story to me and I’ll set up a guest post for you right here on Quilts by Jen.

Don’t forget to head over to Ruth’s Stitch Along Sunday for the instructions for Week 3 coming up!

Go here for more information about how this party works.

Some simple rules for this party:

  • Your project should be based on Stitch Along Sunday. Or, if you have another art quilt you’d like to share, for sure, join in. This is party is really all about art quilts, after all.
  • Mention us in your post, either with a link or button.  If you have a linky party page or buttons on your sidebar that works great, please just at least mention something in your post, for example “I’m linking to Quilts by Jen’s Stitch Along Sunday party, see my party page/sidebar for their button” (button to come shortly – sorry, just haven’t been able to get that sorted out yet!)
  • If you follow us, we follow back!!  PLEASE make sure to comment and tell us you’re following, and we’ll hop on over and follow too! 🙂
  • The most important rule, TAKE TIME TO COMMENT.  The best linky parties are where everyone gets a lot of comments.  Try commenting on the post just before yours.  If you take the time to check out their project, take one more second to leave a comment.

